Monday, December 22, 2008

The End of the Year in Tui 2

This year has been incredible. I have been fortunate to teach a group of students who love learning. I could not have hoped for a better class in 2008. All the best to everyone for the coming year.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Tui 2's Year Book

What have been the highlights of the year for you? Use the photos in our class or school photo album, to make an Animoto of the Year 2008 or use Movie Maker to achieve the same result.
I would like to publish some of the best ones on our class blog.

Making Writing More Interesting

Use these activities to improve your use of adjectives.


An adjective is a describing word. Find out all you need to know about adjectives on a print-out-and-keep sheet.


You've got a new job on the Skillswise Echo. Can you make the adverts more interesting?


Are you ready to test your knowledge of adjectives?